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Before the Show

Content Analysis

Coming Soon!

Executive Artistic Director’s Note

After the smash-hit success of the first A TEXAS CAROL, Kevin Dean and I decided that the Dinkle family story, while certainly complete in regards to Mee-Maw’s contribution, was far from over. This will be the second and final installment of the new beloved classic that premiered to rave reviews in Houston just a couple of years ago (followed by a highly successful remount). You can expect another evening of disfunction and hilarity (not to mention those pesky possums) as the family gathers back on the East Texas ranch once more for the Christmas Day wedding of Ginny and Hugo. But the real meaning and spirit of Christmas at the heart of everything we do here at A.D. Players will shine the brightest. Come join us for a whole lotta Texas fun!

After the Show

Theatre is an art form that from its inception has had the proven power to move and to stir the human spirit. This can have a wide variety of manifestations. We are often stirred up, and that kind of event can have us needing to talk to someone about it. We recommend that you find a licensed mental healthcare professional to help you work through difficult feelings that may have been stirred up by a play. You should always work with someone that you have a great connection with. If you need help starting that process, we recommend our partners at Ellie Mental Health as a starting place.

You might also be stirred to do something about how a particular play made you feel. Below we have provided a quick link to be able to donate to us here at the A. D. Players at the George Theatre. As a 501(c)3, we rely heavily on donations to continue the work that we do. If, however, you want to do something meaningful about some of the issues addressed by our shows, we are also including links to organizations that do meaningful work in the areas addressed by the content of our show. These are not exhaustive options, but merely starting places to help you on your journey to continue to effect change in your world.