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How to Die: The Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is an intricate weaving of the life of the famous pastor and theologian, who, upset by the complacency he saw in the German church toward the Nazi party, makes the hardest decision he's ever had to make--a willing attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler. This thoughtful and engaging drama pulls the thread of Bonhoeffer’s life as he finds himself woven into an unexpected tapestry where he would daily be confronted by the need to stand for the truth of the Gospel in the face of crushing hostility and punishment.


BETHGE - Dietrich's closest friend, a narrator of sorts

DIETRICH - Pastor, Spy, Theologian

SABINE - Dietrich’s twin sister

PAULA - Dietrich’s mother

KARL - Dietrich’s father

KLAUS - Dietrich’s brother

JEAN - French theologian, friend from Union Seminary

FRANK - African-American pastor, friend from Union Seminary

HANS - Dietrich’s brother-in-law, fellow spy

CANARIS - High ranking Nazi, leader of the Resistance

BELL - Bishop in the Church of England

MARIA - Dietrich’s fiance

VON GERSDORFF - German General, failed Assassin of Hitler

ROEDER - Concentration camp interrogator

KNOBLOCH - Tegal Prison guard



Following God’s Path

Standing for God’s Truth




God’s Purpose



Since this play takes place over World War I and World War II there is a lot of dialogue about war, killing, assassinations, nazis, concentration camp prisons, bombs, hangings, casualties of war.  

In a cafe in NYC there is a scene where a waitress will not serve the African-American friend of Dietrich because of the color of his skin.

There are several scenes where the Heil Hitler salute is used.

Bethge speaking of Dietrich’s death:  “His death did not take a few seconds like you see in films, or read of in novels.  It was drawn out.  It was unpleasant.  The details, gruesome.  Nauseating.”


Dietrich:  “There would be hell to pay.”

Klaus:  “There is always hell to pay.”

Prisoner:  “There’s gonna be a point, pastor, where those walls are gonna look like the gates of hell and you’re gonna try to run towards them hoping to break your neck.”

Prisoner:  “This is hell, pastor.  I am in hell with a pastor.”

Prisoner:  “The guy who laid there all those nights, all those moments, pastor, tied his blanket to the bars on the window and hung himself.”

Prisoner: “Shut Up.”

Prisoner: “Go to hell.”

Prisoner:  “You and your intention can go to hell.”


Von Gersdorff wears a suicide bomb and there is a scene where he has to defuse the bomb before it goes off.

Nazi’s bring Dietrich into the interogation room and slam him down in a stool.

A noose is placed around Dietrich’s neck and hanging is implied.


2 hours and 20 minutes including a 20 minute intermission


April 9 - April 27, 2025


If this play was a movie we would give it a rating of PG.  We recommend an age of 12 and up for this performance due to the mature subject matter.

How much are How to Die tickets?

Ticket prices vary between $40 - &65 depending on where you sit in the theater.

Executive Artistic Director’s Note

A man of deep and committed faith. A man of steadfast conviction. A martyr for the cause of Jesus Christ. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was all of these things and so much more. As part of our Metzler New Works Series, we commissioned this play from playwright, Andy Pederson; knowing that these are the kinds of stories that edify and build up our Christian community and give others a glimpse into why we believe what we believe. This highly-theatrical world premiere tells the story of Bonhoeffer from boyhood to martyrdom—having tried and failed to pull off multiple assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler. The internal struggle is just as powerful as the external as Bonhoeffer must work through the changing theology of a fractured German church, his obligations to his loved ones, and his core question of the sinful nature of killing a human being in order to stop a genocide. HOW TO DIE: THE LIFE OF DIETRICH BONHOEFFER will be a truly humanizing look at a hero of the Christian faith.

After the Show

Theatre is an art form that from its inception has had the proven power to move and to stir the human spirit. This can have a wide variety of manifestations. We are often stirred up, and that kind of event can have us needing to talk to someone about it. We recommend that you find a licensed mental healthcare professional to help you work through difficult feelings that may have been stirred up by a play. You should always work with someone that you have a great connection with. If you need help starting that process, we recommend our partners at Ellie Mental Health as a starting place.

You might also be stirred to do something about how this particular play made you feel. Below we have provided a quick link to be able to donate to the Holocaust Museum of Houston. If, however, you want to do something meaningful about some of the issues addressed by our shows, we are also including links to organizations that do meaningful work in the areas addressed by the content of our show. These are not exhaustive options, but merely starting places to help you on your journey to continue to effect change in your world.